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Core Yoga Workshop

Tune in and connect!

Join me for an afternoon workshop and deepen your understanding of functional core movement. In this workshop you will learn how to:

+ Create a good diaphragmatic breathing pattern.

+ Use specific breathing patterns to enliven your core.

+ Connect to the individual muscles of your core.

+ Create underlying support to move from.

+ Break down old habits/ create better, more functional habits.

I am passionate about teaching others the importance of creating and maintaining functional core strength. Like all muscles, core muscles need to be long and strong, not short and weak, and regularly exercised.

If your core is out of balance, you put yourself at risk of back pain/spasms, disc problems, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, sciatica, joint pain, and injuries. To move safely and efficiently, our core should be providing most of the support and be doing most of the work. Our extremities should simply be an extension of this.


Upcoming Workshop


Sunday June 5th 3-5pm

$40 p/p

Bookings Essential, spaces limited



Fun at Yoga
Workshops: About

Birth Skills Workshop

Positive Birth Skills

Learn practical skills for pregnancy and birth.

Discover how to;

· Move your body with greater awareness

· Use yogic breathing techniques to promote relaxation

· Utilise sound and vibration for birth

· Mindfulness techniques for stress reduction

· Exercises to practice up until your birth

· Helpful contacts and links for further reading

This workshop is designed for the pregnant Mumma. You will learn what you can do to prepare your mind and body for birth. You will learn practical skills to take home, practice and embody, with other like-minded pregnant Mummas.


Upcoming Workshop:


Sunday 8th May 2022


$80 p/p 

Includes Tea & Treats

Bookings Essential, spaces limited

Workshops: Welcome
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